The Order of Hecate; The Triple Goddess
The Order isn’t the oldest Coven on the block, more of a teenager in terms of lifetimes. Nonetheless, it’s one of the biggest Covens found in the sleepy little town of Greendale, so let’s dive into the history of its making, shall we?

- From : Jun Ichihara

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Suze Hofhuis

Suze Hofhuis It's a little odd they chose to worship only one facet of the goddess, but hey! We'll roll with it :D

Phoebe Parker

Phoebe Parker Woah! I learned a lot from reading this. This article did an excellent job connecting historical and modern information to events from the fandom!

Hwan Bin

Hwan Bin Triple goddesses are super interesting! They're so multi faceted and often times very well rounded because of it. I can see why a coven would choose to worship one of these, especially Hecate

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