Winter Calendar

The end | Special SoMe Team Event | Advent Calendar | Year 9

Each day a new day
with a new box to open
and to win prizes

inter is one of the most wonderful times of the year. Many families are coming together. Eat together from the most incredibles recipes they make. Chicken? Cake? Christmas cookies or anything else? Each family has their own way to celebrate these times of year. Some do it with a tree in house. Others with presents and others do celebrate it with just dinner with the whole family.

The past 14 days did we enjoy this special advent calendar. Each day a new anagram that you had to solve, so that the box would open. We did see many people participating in this special SoMe event and we want to thank you all!

Now the event has come to an end. In this post will we show you all winners! Have you participated in this event? Then go look below what you did win. Go congrats everyone!

The gifts:
1 - 3 boxes: 300 IG money
4 - 7 boxes: 100 cookies
8 - 10 boxes: 60 Limited Editions
11 - 14 boxes: Malum Malus Apple

The winners of the event

Cedonia Labyrinth
14 boxes

14 boxes

14 boxes

14 boxes
Stormy Aphelion
12 boxes


6 boxes

4 boxes

4 boxes

1 box

Congrats everyone! The gifts will be send soon! Go enjoy the gift you get. Above can you see what gift is connected to the amount of boxes you did open. If there are any questions or concerns, can you always send a mail to Levana Grimsbane and Elliott Eydisson. For now, thank you and until next time!
coded by Issie