Welcome to the new opening of the university of Greendale!
The University of Greendale has just opened and it's time for the first students to set foot inside the doors. So far, there are four courses that you can take and I, Penelope Stonewall have been honored to interview the directors who will be teaching at the university.
The first course we will get to know more about is Comics & Cartoons led by our dear Mayor, Levana Grimsbane!

Penelope Stonewall
How does it feel that the university has opened its doors in Greendale?

Levana Grimsbane
I feel very relieved that they finally opened its doors. Now all graduates in town can finally improve their passions and become even profs in what they like. A doctor, prof football player, blood specialist or a comic writer. I even hope more universities will open its doors in the future. It might make the town more crowdy and busy, but also fun.

Penelope Stonewall
How does it feel to be one of the first teachers at the school?

Levana Grimsbane
Very good. I never had expected to give this course in the first place. Most people think that being a Mayor is busy enough and they are right. But I still wanted to do something besides my Mayor job. I hope I made the right decision.

Penelope Stonewall
What subject will you teach?

Levana Grimsbane
Comics & Cartoons. A class about creating your own comics and cartoons. So they all will write, draw, and more during the lessons.

Penelope Stonewall
What will you be expected to learn during your lessons?

Levana Grimsbane
That they pay attention and do their best. Im not the easiest one, but I do want that everyone does their best to become a great comic creater. They will learn to use their creativity on paper and on laptop.

Penelope Stonewall
What do you want to say to your future students?

Levana Grimsbane
Never annoy me while you are working on your assignments.... And further, just have fun during the lessons.
"In this course you will learn how to make comic books and cartoons yourself. How to write them, draw them. You even get the chance to create a digital cartoon. You will also learn what genres there are and what genre you fit in. You are even able to publish your own comics after this class and become a professional comic writer." - Levana Grimsbane
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