In the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, we come across many different characters throughout the show. Though, the one that is being covered today, is one that she lives with. Her Aunt Zelda Spellman, she is an interesting character. And has very decent growth throughout the series. From a devout follower of The Dark Lord to a worshiper of Hecate.
The exact birthdate of Zelda Spellman is unknown, but she is at least 500 years of age, or older. Zelda has two siblings in total, Edward Spellman and Hilda Spellman. She went to the academy herself, when she turned 16 years of age, she signed her name in the Book of the Beast. And once Zelda did, she was put through the harrowing that happens to all new witches that join.
Due to her love of children, and babies. Zelda became a midwife, alongside her sister Hilda. She helped birth many of the coven’s babies, and thus became the finest midwife for the coven. Zelda along with her sister Hilda raised their niece Sabrina after the death of both of her parents. Before that, though, she was the witness to her brother Edward signing Sabrina’s name within the Book of the Beasts when Sabrina was just three days old and this promised Sabrina to follow the dark lord when she became of age. After the death of both of Sabrina’s parents, she threatened them due to them trying to take the baby away from herself and Hilda.
Zelda is a stern, proud, glamorous, sometimes hauntingly but also at times soft-hearted. Though, devout to the Church of Night, and follows all the rules. Zelda would and has shown she can easily break those rules for her family. She has shown, time and time again, she cares deeply for people. Zelda even took Faustus’ twin daughter, and hid her from him when she thought that he’d harm her due to her not being a male heir. Though she is protective of children, her relationship with her sister is… difficult. She does love her sister, but at times she can be harsh and very cruel to her.
Zelda’s soul is one that could easily be described as a motherly type of soul. Zelda has and would kill anyone who tries to harm Sabrina and even her nephew Ambrose. She showed many times she cares for the younger children within the Church of Night. Zelda has held many positions within the Church of Night, One of them being High Priestess after marrying Faustus Blackwood. Who ended up abandoning the Church after he poisoned them.
Zelda now is a devout follower of Hecate and is the leader of the new coven that formed, one they called the Order of Hecate. She has shown she has great power. One of the feats that she has done, with the help of her family, was create a tornado to help protect those who live in Greendale. Zelda has even used her powers to help save Harvey from his father.