Nicholas: Drowning in a Sea of Sorrows

Whether you love him or hate him, Nicholas Scratch is a character that doesn't just show a lot of change, but a lot of duality as well. Throughout the show, we get to know quite a bit more about him as he opens up to Sabrina. But what makes him tick? What mysteries truly lie behind this man who seemingly so easily switched sides?

Nicholas' Early Years

The fact that being a talented pure-blooded warlock can come with some issues in ones life, is quite know. Especially if your family ends up following the Dark Lord. This too just so happened to be the case for young Nicholas who also just so happened to be incredibly talented.

Unfortunately, not talented enough to stave off the untimely death of his family, ultimately leaving him alone with nothing else but his werewolf familiar, Amalia. Because obviously, giving your teenage son a werewolf to boss around, absolutely sounds like a good idea. Right? At least it gave Nick a sort of family after his parents passed, but that's all that can really be said about that.

Living Amongst Wolves

With no family left, Amalia was all Nicholas Scratch still had. His family name long forgotten, there was nothing to return to and thus, he disappeared into the wilds alongside his companion. Joining her as a part of a wolf pack. This led to the werewolf to become rather possessive. All to the point where she wouldn't let him near anyone else. Witch or mortal.

It was due to this, Nick struggled even more. Curiousity and the need to be around his own kind, eventually forcing him out of hiding. Which didn't come without consequences as the girl he approached, ended up suffering Amalia's wrath upon being found out. After this, a long time passed before he'd eventually attempt to get away from his rather controling familiar once more.

Proper Schooling

His second attempt at getting away didn't go all that smoothly either however. However, it did eventually have the desires results and Nicholas found his way to the Academy of Unseen Arts. A place where he was safe, albeit he barely managed to escape with his own skin intact.

Now a student at the Academy, there was a lot he needed to catch up on. Thus, most of Nick's time was spent reading while what little remained was spent on much more.. enjoyable things. Such as bedding quite the number of witches that also just so happened to be studying there.

As someone who never truly had a male role model, it came as no surprise Nicholas Scratch would end up becoming quite the admirer of the late Edward Spellman. While this alone seems enough of a reason to approach his daughter and befriend her, there was actually another reason why Nick did what he did. And no, it wasn't his attempts to seduce her, which were met with less and less resistance as time passed.

A Power Couple

It therefore comes as no surprise Nicholas and Sabrina end up dating. Though given the ulterior motives the man had, it doesn't really come as a surprise things aren't exactly going as smoothly as some might've wanted it to. Considering the fact he was initially sent by the Dark Lord himself to make sure Sabrina would opt for the Path of Night and sign her name in the book, it adds quite the extra layer to this relationship.

Once Sabrina finds out, they hit a rough spot and in a moment of weakness, Nicholas offers himself as Lucifer's prison. A stupid move, as housing someone so powerful and corrupt in ones body, has some serious repercussions. Eventually leaving Nick a shadow of the man he once was and no closer to fixing his relationship with Sabrina. They do remain close friends however.

Sea of Sorrows

Like all true love stories, they do find their way back together in the end. Making it impossible to not realize just how good of a friend Nicholas truly was to Sabrina. Even when she sacrifices herself in order to save her friends and family, he follows her. Causing them both to find one another again in the afterlife.

What are your thoughts on Nicholas Scratch? Let us know down below!