Dark Baptism: Pros and Cons

When a witch reaches the special age of sixteen years old, not only can they have a ‘sweet 16’ but they can also choose to go through a ritual called a ‘Dark Baptism’. This is how they become a proper witch and unlock their true potential with multiple spells at their disposal.

But what exactly does a Dark Baptism entail and is it really worth it? Today we will be discussing the pros and cons that comes from a dark baptism and what to expect should a witch go through with it or not.

The Dark Baptism Ritual

A witches dark baptism will take place on the first full moon after their sixteenth birthday and before the ceremony itself there are a few things that need to be put in place first. A witch must have their virtue intact before their Dark Baptism. This is often a sign that they are giving themselves completely and untouched to the Dark Lord.

They must also cleanse their body of all impurities before the baptism and this is usually done by drinking a special tonic. The tonic can consist of a variety of herbs, John the conqueror root, tannis, rosemary, Milk, eggs, agrimony and one can add a cup of vanilla for flavor if they so desire. This will help to purify their body for the sacred rite to assume.

A sacrificial animal will be chosen and offered up as thanks to Lucifer for letting the witches go through with the dark baptism. Although it is not stated which animal is to be sacrificed, a goat seems like a very likely contender given the Dark Lord's form.

Not only must all this be in place, but a witch must choose a name to be baptized with, usually something that has meaning to the witch to show that they are becoming more than what they were before. They also must wear black when they enter the sacred grounds. No matter if they choose another color, it will turn black upon them entering their baptism grounds.

The coven will be there to witness a witches' dark baptism and many of them will wear outfits and costumes like masks and cloaks. There will be candlelight and torchlight present as well and the High Priest/Priestess is usually the one leading the ceremony.

When the ceremony begins, the witch will be disrobed and made to sit on their knees, they will be baptized with blood and made to say some vows. Once that is over their non dominant hand will be cut, usually with an athame and their blood dripped onto the book of the beast where they will be given a pen made from bone to sign their name and commit themselves to the Dark Lord and have their powers granted.

The Pros to a Dark Baptism

Going through with one's Dark Baptism does have a lot of advantages and the main one is that you now have your full magic powers granted. Your spells are much more powerful and you are blessed with a long life, many witches reach well over 700 years old plus.

Not only is having your powers granted and long life a plus, but you are viewed as an adult amongst witch kind and you will also be able to have a familiar that will protect you from all harm with its very life and will also do your bidding for you.


The Cons

Once you have committed to your dark baptism and have your powers you will have so many advantages, but there are also a few downsides to it as well. The Dark Lord may call upon you at any time to do his bidding and it may not be something you would ever have considered doing before your Dark Baptism. It could be anything from something small such as stealing, right up to murdering an entire town if he so wished it and you cannot say no, for fear of having your magical powers revoked.

If you have your powers revoked then you will start aging again and start to rot and wither away, not only will that happen but it could also make you go a little bit insane and start losing your mind.

Sabrina's Dark Baptism

Sabrina’s dark baptism should have been a very special night as she was to be baptized on halloween night under an eclipsing blood moon, something that only happens every 66 years and all the Spellman’s had been baptized under a blood moon in the past.

Leading up to her Dark baptism, Sabrina started to question an awful lot of things about the way of the Church of Night. She was not wanting to leave her mortal friends and be shipped off to another school so she would never see them again. The High Priest came to visit Sabrina to put to rest a lot of her doubts as Sabrina was not going to go through with it.

The night of her Baptism, Sabrina chose her new Baptisimal name which was ‘Sabrina Edwina Diana Spellma’. This was to honor both her parents and she was given her mothers wedding dress to wear which was white.

Upon entering the sacred grounds of her baptism, Sabrina’s dress turned black and the entire coven were there to witness her baptism. They were there wearing cloaks and masks and carried candles and were chanting what sounded like prayers in a different language, most likely Latin.

Her Baptism started like anyone else's, they had a sacrificial goat, she was disrobed and asked to kneel on the ground where she was anointed with blood and had her hand cut. However, just as Father Blackwood was going over the vows she realized that the ‘free will’ was not what she was told.

Would you go through with your Dark Baptism? Let us know in comments below!