Greendale Thirteen: A Witch Hunt Frenzy

What would you do when your coven is in danger of being eradicated entirely? What choice would you make if the only way to safe them would be by sacrificing a fraction? Let's hope none of us will ever be faced with such a terrible decision to make. However, it has happened before, in Greendale's history and it has almost happened again not even too long ago. Let's pick apart the past and hopefully learn from it this time, shall we?

Church of Night

Now a well known Satanic coven, the Church of Night wasn't always as well known as it is today. Several hundreds of years ago, it didn't even exist here, in Greendale. Not until a woman by the name of Dorothea Putnam guided a group of witches from Scotland to Greendale.

Those witches would go on to form what can only be considered the foundations upon which the Church was built. However, despite fleeing their home country to avoid prosecution for witch craft, the United States perhaps, wasn't as safe as they wanted it to be.

As the coven grew, it became harder and harder to keep their existence hidden. What didn't help was the fear and loathing people had when it came to witches those days. Religion, of course, playing a huge part in it. After all, whatever didn't follow their scriptures, must be evil. Right?

Modern Witch Trials

As the entire country had plummeted itself into a frantic hunt for witches, Greendale wasn't left untouched either. As a matter of fact, it is said that aside from Salem, the witch hunt was one of the very worst in this quiet little town.

Needless to say, the sole coven in town, quickly fell under suspicion and needed to find a way to protect themselves. Seeing only one way out, they decided they were going to have to sacrifice a part of their coven, as the rest tried their best to blend in.

Greendale Thirteen

Thirteen witches were picked to become that sacrifice the Church of Night needed to avoid complete annihilation by witch hunters. The thirteen themselves however, were blissfully unaware of the plan to abandon them by the rest of the coven. Leading to quite the unresolved issues for those that met their end by hanging.

While the plan worked and it appeared the residents of Greendale were more or less appeased, many years of unrest followed, before the town eventually returned to it's normal state.

Return with a Vengeance

Not all was over just yet however. When one dies while experiencing particularly strong emotions, it's very likely one's spirit will linger. Therefore, it should come as no surprise the Greendale Thirteen returned even from beyond the grave. Feeling betrayed by their own kind, they were out for revenge.

Not just on the Church of Night who they felt abandoned them, but the town of Greendale as a whole. So when Lilith summoned them, the Greendale Thirteen saw their chance and attacked several members of the Church before summoning the Red Angel of Death.

Their plan was thwarted by Sabrina Spellman, before every first born in all families residing in Greendale could perish. Using Hellfire to burn their ghastly forms and lay them to rest forever.

What would you do if your coven was at risk of being exposed and suffer a similar fate? Let us know down below!