Hell: Where Damned Souls Reside

An afterlife dimension where damned souls end up going and where demons reside, is known as hell. The gates to Hell are located within the Greendale Mines. The exact origin of Hell is disputed amongst the Christian teachings and satanic witches, who end up referring to the Christian teachings as the False God's lies.

The fall of Lucifer from grace, however, is the reason this dimension exists. It is said, mortal souls go here to be tortured for eternity. And witch souls are excused from this due to their servitude to The Dark Lord.

Hell's Leaders

Before the Dark Lord was defeated he blessed the union between Edward and Diana spellman. Because Sabrina was who he wanted to be, the Proud Lady of Pandemonium, Maiden of Shadows, and the Queen of Hell. There are portals known as hell gates which allow you to access hell. One of course, known as the one in the Greendale Mines. The inscription above the gates states abandon all hope ye who enter here. But for a while that portal was closed due to The Fright Club. It wasn't until Lilith who was the Queen of Hell at the time, came through it with Lucifer trapped within Nicholas Scratches body that it became open and then she closed it behind her. When you are close to the gates, it smells very much like sulfur.

Hell's Gates

Within the trap door of the desecrated Church is another portal into Hell. It is used when the Dark Lord needed to appear during serious or very important events, such as witch trials held by the unholy trivium or the witches council. We see this being used a few times throughout the show.

Hell's Domain

Hell is the domain in which the demons reside. It even has a hierarchy within it as well. It is structured much like Dante's inferno and has nine circles as well. Those nine circles are, limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, heresy, violence, fraud, and the center of Hell is the last and final circle. Obviously the most important within Hell is either the King or Queen of Hell. All the demons and minions within hell, answer to whomever is overseeing it. Next, would follow with the Prince or Princess of hell, and following the Plague kings and then all of the other demons after that. And following those would be the minions of Hell and so on.

Hell's Locations

There are several different locations within Hell as well. The City of Pandemonium, which is basically the center of hell in a sense, where the King or Queen of Hell resides. The Shore of Showers, Field of Witnesses, and the Field of Torment all of which we see within the show. Within Hell there is the original flower of evil called le fleur du mal in which Dorian Grey wanted as payment from Sabrina when helping her gain access to Hell. During their time going to Pandemonium we see references to the Wizard of Oz. Such being the trail of blood which references the yellow brick road.

What are your thoughts on Hell? Would you visit? Let us know down below!