Roz Walker: The Power of Friendship

Roz Walker is one of the prominent characters in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. She is one of Sabrina’s close friends and one that certainly has had a lot of ups and downs throughout the series, with an unexpected twist as she is revealed to have powers of her own.

Roz certainly had one of the more complicated relationships with Sabrina and the rest of the gang.

What exactly are her powers though and what made her relationship with Sabrina so complicated?

Who is Roz Walker?

Roz is a student at Baxter High, Sabrina and Roz were best friends since they were only five years old and were very close.

Miss Walker in the tv series is the daughter of a pastor, who loves to read. She is described as being a ‘bookworm’ this is mostly due to her genetic blindness as she wants to read all the books she can before she goes completely blind.

Together with Sabrina and Theo, Roz was one of the founding members of WICCA. An organization at Baxter High which helps young women.

She comes from a long line of women who all have inherited the blindness when they come of age and apparently nothing can be done about it.

Through the series

Throughout the series, Roz certainly has one of the most interesting stories and has plenty of drama in her young life. The biggest one being her special power, the cunning which is the reason she is going blind.

As Roz’s eyesight kept deteriorating she started to have very vivid visions, and started to see Sabrina differently and as a witch. Her relationship started to get worse with Sabrina for a time, but eventually they came to an understanding when Sabrina revealed her true nature and with thanks to Theo, they mended their relationship and became closer than ever.

She started to have visions of herself kissing Harvey Kinkle and when Sabrina started going to the Academy of Unseen Arts and her and Harvey’s relationship ended, Roz and Harvey became closer and eventually started to date with Sabrina’s blessing.

When Phantasmagoria came to Greendale, the Carnival, Roz was turned into a statue with a Gorgon named Nagaina. Harvey tried to break the spell, by giving up his love for Roz, but as it turned out he was still in love with Sabrina and so the spell remained. Thankfully Sabrina and friends did find a way to reverse the spell and ended the life of Nagaina.

When the Greendale thirteen were released they cast a spell to summon the red angel of death. This was to punish the witches and humans of Greendale by claiming all the firstborn in town. This is where Roz learns of her true heritage and what her blindness is called and why from her Nana Ruth.

As Sabrina’s powers grow stronger, she eventually heals Roz’s eyesight so she is no longer going blind. She still has the cunning but develops an understanding on how to use it better and how to share her visions with others.

Roz Walker’s Powers

The cunning is what Roz’s power is called, with it she can see things that others cannot such as ghosts and visions, she can also see the true form of others. The side effects of this power was that Roz was eventually going to go blind but thanks to Sabrina she was able to retain her vision and the cunning.

Roz can see future events and she also has psychometry which allows her to see an object's past events.

A Witch or Not?

Roz found out during the series that she is actually from a line of witches which was quite a shock for her. The Walker women years ago were witches but they stopped doing their witchcraft as they thought of themselves as ‘Christian women’ and being a witch was something that was considered a devil’s practice.

The walker women actually helped to out some of the Greendale thirteen who then cursed the family bloodline with blindness when they came of age.

Since the family used to be witches, Roz actually has the powers that all witches have and due to her having seer powers she could potentially become a very powerful witch.

She ends up becoming one of the weird sisters and communicates with them telepathically and therefore we can assume that she embraces being a witch.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Roz embraced being a witch or not?