Witchcraft: A Cunning Practice

Witches in the “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” have the ability to change things using magical means, a practice called witchcraft. They draw these powers from the gods or deities they worship. For example, the Satanic witches do the Dark Lord’s bidding, and Pagan witches worship old gods. Witches can even increase their powers by working together. Witchcraft has its limits, however. Witches are vulnerable to the spells of others, and sigils can be created to stop their abilities.

Types of Magic

Witches have the ability to influence a lot of things! They can summon demons and other beings with conjuration, use herbalism to heal with plants, spiritualism allows them to summon and talk to ghosts, and necromancy even lets witches control and resurrect the dead. Somehow, I feel like that one’s probably a bad idea. Fertility is a type of magic that deals with pregnancy and babies. Time magic can warp space and time. That one sounds dangerous, too. For witches interested in baking, kitchen magic may be just the thing. This form of witchcraft ties food and magical properties. Finally, blood magic is associated with, you guessed it, blood, and sex magic is pretty self-explanatory. Another form of witchcraft explored on the show is Vodou Hoodo. This type of magic is associated with the religion and spirits of the Afro-American religion.

Witches practice their craft in covens. Sometimes these are also called churches. These are led by a High Priest or High Priestess and allow witches to combine and enhance their powers as a group. A few known covens on CAOS include the Order of Hecate, Sisterhood of Night, Church of Night, Church of Shadows, and The Pendle Coven. They have access to a wide variety of powers, including spellcasting, potion-making, divination, familiar communication, healing, and longevity.

The Tools of Witchcraft

There are a few important books that any good (or evil) witch should be familiar with. One of these is the coven’s book. The Book of the Beast is a grimoire used by Church of Night members and is used in the Dark Baptism ceremony. Writing one’s name in that book means you are devoting yourself to the coven and the god or gods they serve. Another important grimoire is the Demonomicon. This ancient book includes lots of useful spells, including the one that allows you to summon a familiar. The Book of the Dead has the spookier spells, all those related to necromancy.

Other than books, witchcraft also involves the use of other tools. Candles are a key component of many spells and rituals. A cauldron is needed to brew a good potion. If you want to do someone dirty, a poppet is a figurine that represents the victim in order to connect to them magically for…reasons.

Witchy Time is Here

Certain times of the year are perfect for practicing witchcraft, according to the show. During the annual Feast of Feasts, a witch is chosen to be sacrificed… and feasted upon by their coven? The Winter Solstice is about family, and the veil between the living and those past is thin, making spirit communication easier. Lupercalia is sort of like Valentine’s Day but with outdoor ‘activities’, if you get where I’m going with this. The Hare Moon is a lunar festival that involves giving thanks to rabbits. 

CAOS Vs. Reality

Modern Wiccan and Pagan Witchcraft shares a few similarities with what is portrayed on the “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina,” but the show definitely takes some liberties. Many modern witches celebrate nature and the cycles of the season by conducting rituals. However, there is a much darker focus on the show with demonic entities and exorcisms that are typically not part of modern practices. Witches today often follow ethical guidelines, such as the Wiccan Rede that promises not to do harm, but there is no single religious text or dogma that all witches follow. This is in contrast to the Book of the Beast and the Witches’ Counsel’s Witch Laws on the show. While the covens on CAOS have a strict hierarchy and structure, real witchcraft is diverse and very individualized. Some witches may choose to be a part of a coven or to practice with friends, but being a solitary witch is perfectly fine too. Even if the show doesn’t accurately portray the practice of witchcraft, it’s still fun to see how that fictional universe has modified and elaborated on those practices.

Questions: Which tool, ability, or magical practice do you find the most interesting on the show? If you could rewrite the portrayal of witchcraft on CAOS, what would you change?