Welcome to the Third edition of the "Pet Whisperer"
Welcome to the Pet Whisperer. This article series is to help all of you pet owners with your sometimes troubled, or sad pets. Every week we will find a problem that we will try to solve. This current week it’s about the comfort of your pet and their sleep patterns. We all know it varies from Pets and familiars and here I will let you know some of the best and worst places for the creatures to sleep.
You find your pet sleeping the most random places around the house, but are they even that good for them to be sleeping in and how can you help them to a better sleeping place? The answer is obviously Yes.
Cat’s tend to sleep where it’s cozy and warm depending on the season. Sometimes you might find it behind the watercooler or by the fire. Animals like us want to sleep where it’s tempered correctly according to the season. So the best way you can help them to sleep cozy at the chosen spot is to place a basket for example the cat or the dog. One that is possible for them to actually move around since they are pretty smart and they know the exact spot that’s perfect. If even then they decide not to use this basket as it’s actually good or they lie in your newly dried clothes it’s because the basket is not soft and warm enough. Make a hot water bottle and put in their basket along with some blankets that will cuddle them.

When it comes to rats you can never have a wrong place to nest. They make their own and as long as you make sure the cage is big enough with toys and lots of hay they will know just the right way to make their home. If you wanna make it easier for them you can always get them a small house and put in some hay. They will figure out how to make their home just right.
Ravens are quite free and are great at figuring out what works for them. Lot of treats to show them you love them, maybe even a rat, will help them make you feel like their home and they will protect you like their own.