Chance Perdomo: A Star Gone Too Soon
From a quickly rising star who easily could've become one of the household names across the world, to an unfortunate accident. Today we'll be taking a look into the life and-- death of Chance Perdomo.

- From : Hwan Bin

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Suze Hofhuis

Suze Hofhuis It's so sad to hear he passed. Gone way, way too soon D:

Phoebe Parker

Phoebe Parker I had no idea! This is so sad and surprising. This article was well done but such a tragic event!

Larry Becker

Larry Becker I was so so sad to hear about Chance, he was by far my fav in Sabrina and had such a career ahead of him. This was a very well written post about him.

Asahi DaGyeong

Asahi DaGyeong It's so incredibly sad what happened as he was such a talented actor with undoubtedly a bright future ahead of him. His portrayal of Ambrose was top notch!

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